"It's your special day, let us create your fantasy."
Your decor will be captured in pictures and videos forever - make sure it's done right. We will create the perfect romantic atmosphere for your special day. Whether you prefer lots of tulle and bows, flower arrangements, or balloons. We can do it all, at the fraction of the cost of most florist. We can provide stunning and unique decorating solutions that will dazzle your quests, at a price that won't leave you broke. Its true you may save a few dollars by decorating your reception yourself, or enlisting friends and family to help, but keep in mine, it is a lot of work and most reception halls want everything cleaned up after the event, that very same night. Considering all the hazzle, it really makes sense to use our services and let everyone, including yourself, relax and enjoy this one time event.
We'll meet with you at your wedding/reception site to discuss all the details, listen to your ideas and what you would like to see. This is all provided for you at no-cost, with no obligation.
We can create wonderful decor for the church and ceremony.
Area's to consider:
Sign in Area:
We can place a floral arrangement at the sign in table, or place arrangements around the Brides Portrait.
We can adorn staircases with tulle and bows.
Pew Bows:
We can make beautiful Pew Bows to line your path to the Alter.
We have numerous Candalabras. White Pedestal Columns in several different sizes, that could be decorated in tulle and lights, with a flower arrangement or greenery placed on top. Or if you prefer, we can just place floral arrangements on each side of the alter.
The Reception
Areas to consider:
We can place Pedestals draped with tulle and lights at each side of the entrance. If you like balloons for a festive atmosphere, we can place a arch at the entrance.
Head Table:
This is where the wedding party usually sits. We can decorate the front of table with tulle, lights and bows.
Table Centerpieces:
There are many options for centerpieces. Glassware with floating candles and rose pedals, or vases filled with roses are very elegant, and affordable.
Cake Table:
The cake table is important because this where a lot of pictures will be taken, be sure you are able to face your guest when cutting the cake. Believe it or not, we have seen numerous weddings where the cake was placed on a table and pushed against the wall, this leaves the couple with their backs turned to the guest while cutting the cake. Again, tulle, lights, and bows make for a beautiful table. A arch over the table, makes for great pictures.
Dance Floor:
We can create dance floor decor where no one can resist kicking up their heels on or should I say, off their heels. Elegant canopies made with soft material and lights set a romantic mood, or Enchanted Columns with lights. Columns with a Criss-Cross Arch are also popular. Add a little fun to your reception with a ceiling of balloons over the dance floor.
As you can see there are many options, all of the above are just ideas, We can help you make the best choices, for you and your wedding site.
Pricing for your wedding will depend on many factors such as, type of decor, amount of decor needed, location, number of hours needed to decorate, etc. If you are on a strict budget, or just want to have more money for your honeymoon, give us a call. We guarantee our prices and service are the best of any florist or decorating company.